Statement on VDOT’s Decision to Reduce Service of the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry


Monday, July 1, 2024

Contact: Jameson Babb

Chief of Staff 


RICHMOND, VA- Today, after a late Friday announcement by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to reduce the service schedule of the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry which services Surry County, Senator Lashrecse Aird (D-Petersburg) released the following statement:

 “It came as a shock to learn about VDOT’s announcement to reduce the service schedule of the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry—without public input and or alerting the state representatives of this community.

The ferry is a lifeline for access to Surry County. As a driver for workers, economic development, and tourism, this abrupt change in the heart of the travel season is unreasonable. Furthermore, this change can significantly compromise accessibility to critical healthcare resources.

I will meet with VDOT immediately to assess this decision and voice the overwhelming concerns expressed to me by Surry County citizens.”

While serving in the House of Delegates, Lashrecse Aird demonstrated a capacity for pragmatic progressivism – championing education issues, criminal justice reform, reproductive healthcare access, and economic development.  With a willingness to reach across the aisle and work bipartisan to get things done,  now Senator Aird has a proven track record of legislative successes at the State Capitol. 



Statement on VDOT’s Decision to Maintain Normal Service of the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry


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